Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day



End of Nutritional Month 2013:

National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign, which occurs every March and is funded by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

How do  you;  "Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day":

1) Always READ nutrition labels on back of food containers before purchase

2) Cut DOWN on SALT; specifically salt added to processed food  

3) Eat fresh FRUIT and VEGETABLES with every meal every day

4)  Drink 8-10 cups of WATER a day

5) Only eat  RED MEAT 1-2 times a week if at all

For healthy tips please click below: 

National Nutrition Month Handouts and Tipsheets by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fiber Rich Foods

Fiber has been shown to decrease the risk of cancer. Researchers have found that both soluble and insoluble fiber reduce the risk of breast cancer, especially for women consuming upwards of 30 grams a day. 

Good Fiber Sources:

Bran (Corn, Wheat, Rice, Oat)

Flax Seeds, Sesame Seeds, and Sesame Butter (Tahini)
Dry Roasted Soybeans (Edamame) 
Nuts (Almonds, Pistachios, Pecans)
Beans (Navy, White, French, Kidney)
Fruits and Vegtabels ( Appels, Avocados, Corn, Pears, Berries)
For a printable list please visit: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/50-fiber-rich-foods

Friday, March 15, 2013

Benifits of Honey

            The Natural  Nectar of the Gods

****Honey has many health benefits for adults but please do not feed  honey to children under 1 year old***

Health Benefits:

1.  Can help Prevent cancer and heart disease:
Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.

2. Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.
Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis.

3. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-fungal:
“All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,” said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.

5. Reduce cough and throat irritation:
In a study that involved 139 children, honey beat out dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) and diphenhydramine (an antihistamine) in easing nighttime cough in children and improving their sleep.
Another study involving 105 children found that buckwheat honey trumped dextromethorphan in suppressing nighttime coughs.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


What is Gastritis:
  • Gastritis occurs when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed or swollen.
  • Gastritis can last for only a short time  know as acute gastritis, or linger for months to years  called chronic gastritis.
  • A gnawing or burning ache or pain (indigestion) in your upper abdomen that may become either worse or better with eating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • A feeling of fullness in your upper abdomen after eating

  • Bacterial infection. People infected with Helicobacter pylori can experience gastritis  
  • Regular use of pain relievers. Common pain relievers, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox), can cause both acute gastritis and chronic gastritis.
  • Age- Older adults have an increased risk of gastritis because the stomach lining tends to thin with age and because older adults are more likely to have H. pylori infection or autoimmune disorders
  • Excessive alcohol use. Alcohol can irritate and erode your stomach lining
  • Stress. Severe stress due to major surgery, injury, burns or severe infections can cause acute gastritis.
  • Bile reflux disease
  • autoimmune gastritis, this type of gastritis occurs when your body attacks the cells that make up your stomach lining. 

  • Antibiotics
  • Stress reduction
  • Avoid irritating foods.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals
  • Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.  
  • Avoid-aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox)
  • Proper hand washing during food preparation. 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Better Sleep Tonight!


 7 Better Sleep Tips:

 1: Keep a regular sleep schedule- attempt to go to bed roughly at the same time each day if possible. Help your body adjust by making a small change in daily increments, such as 30-60 minutes earlier or later each day.

 2: Create a Bedtime Ritual and Comfortable Environment - Keep your room cool and dark. Ensure you have a comfortable mattress ( a memory-foam topper is a quick, cheap fix).

 3: Pay attention to what you eat and drink-  Eliminate nicotine and caffeine (none 9hours before sleepcan take hours to wear off which decrease your  quality of sleep. Alcohol may initially make you feel sleepy, but it can disrupt sleep later in the night. 

4: Naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle-Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is controlled by light exposure. So increase light exposure during the day.  Decreasing light exposure at night can help boost melatonin production at night

5: Include physical activity in your daily routine-  Regular physical activity can promote better sleep, decrease anxiety and stress helping you to fall asleep faster and to enjoy deeper sleep. Don't exercise too close to bedtime,  as this may energize you and decrease you from falling asleep. 

6: Get anxiety and stress in check-Residual stress, worry, and anger from your day can make it very difficult to sleep well. Make a note of what seems to be the recurring theme and wakes you up at night. That will help you figure out what you need to do to get your stress and anger under control during the day.

7: Relaxation techniques for better sleep-

  • Deep breathing. Close your eyes, and try taking deep, slow breaths, making each breath even deeper than the last. 
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. Starting with your toes, tense all the muscles as tightly as you can, then completely relax. Work your way up from your feet to the top of your head.
  • Visualizing a peaceful, restful place. Close your eyes and imagine a place or activity that is calming and peaceful for you. Concentrate on how relaxed this place or activity makes you feel.
  • Lavender Aromatherapy-  lavender scent has been shown to act as a mild sedative.
  • Valerian root- studies have shown that it acts as a sedative and naturally reduces anxiety and calming the body.  400mg-900mg 30 min before bed. Do not take more than 28 days.
  • White Noise Machines- Block out unwanted noise.